Forbearance – A Tao Meditation by Deng Ming-Dao

4 02 2012

Wonderful Taoist meditative poem set to breathtaking photography and lovely piano:

Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell on the Importance of Psychedelics in 2012

30 12 2011

Wow. What superb clip.  Perfect for sharing!!


The Ayahuasca Project

4 12 2011

Definitely watch and share this trailer for a gorgeous looking documentary about ayahuasca shamanism, science and it’s use in treating Westerners afflicted with addictions and severe emotional traumas, as pioneered by the work of two doctors; Dr. Jacques Mabit, who “runs a legendary detox centre deep in the Peruvian jungle”and Dr. Gabor Maté, a lionhearted addiction specialist valiantly trying to establish a similar program in Canada.  It is seeking completion funding on KickStarter so if you like the trailer please learn more by watching the Kickstarter video.

“Deadly Monopolies”: Bio-colonialsm and medical corporatism: organism, gene and human tissue patents.

20 11 2011

Watch or listen to the 45 minute interview here.

From Democracy Now:

One of the major themes raised by the Occupy movement is the increasing power of large corporations over more and more aspects of our lives. We spend the hour looking into the issue of the corporate control of life itself. Our guest, Harriet Washington, is a medical ethicist and has just published a book that examines the extent to which what she calls the medical-industrial complex has come to control human life. In the past 30 years, more than 40,000 patents have been granted on genes alone—many more patents are pending. Washington argues that the biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies patenting these genes are more concerned with profit than with the health or medical needs of patients. Her new book is called “Deadly Monopolies: The Shocking Corporate Takeover of Life Itself—And the Consequences for Your Health and Our Medical Future.”

Mayor investigated for mass assasinations of Peruvian shamans

7 10 2011

This is very disturbing.  But I am compelled to share.

Peruvian government sends team to remote Amazon region to look into killing of 14 shamans, allegedly at behest of local mayor.

Occupy The Mind – Legalize DMT.

7 10 2011

DMT is chemical produced and used by the human nervous system.  It can be found in almost any plant or animal species and is a psychedelic chemical that is used in shamanic healing practices of South America.  DMT is also listed as a Schedule 1 substance.  According to the US government, not only are nature and shamanism illegal, but so are YOU, of possession AND manufacturing of an “illegal narcotic.”

Sci-fi abilities of 6 real life plants

23 09 2011

Via disinfo via blastr.

Plants don’t get enough respect as sci-fi monsters. Sure, Triffids will always rule, but sci-fi baddies tend to be mutants, zombies, vampires and other altered mammals. This is in ignorance of plants’ amazingly creepy special abilities. To prove it, we’ve dug up six plant skills that freak us out more than Godzilla.

Continue reading


18 09 2011

This is a clip from Duncan Trussell’s Comedy Central Pilot “Thunderbrain.”

UN attempting to outlaw all sacred plants (Ayahuasca, Iboga, etc.). SIGN PETITION!!

25 06 2011
Important message from Luis Eduardo;

Dear friends,

I urge you to sign this petition. Once more, this is an attack against the cultural and spiritual heritage of non-western people, a continuation of conquest and colonization of the word by people with a very limited worldview.
Best regards,

Luis Eduardo

The United Nations International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) has published on their website their annual report about the world situation on drugs in 2010. In this report, the INCB has included the preoccupying recommendation towards governments to outlaw  traditional plants such as Ayahuasca (a decoction made with botanicals like Banisteriopsis Caapi and Psychotria Viridis) andTabernanthe Iboga among others, neglecting their important role as traditional medicine, as a sacrament and as therapeutic tool. These are the primary uses of these plants found in societies all over the world.

The International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research & Service (ICEERS) is organizing a letter-writing campaign to counter this demonic injustice.  Please read more about this issue and add your signature here, and take a moment to browse the beautiful website of


TEDxPSU – Richard Doyle – Scaling the Noösphere

11 06 2011

This is a TEDx presentation given by my favorite scholar of the rhetoric of biochemistry and post-vital living, Richard Doyle, about the importance of developing our conceptions of the noösphere.

Currently I’m reading his newest scholarly book concerning his ecodelic hypotheses about archaic and contemporary psychedelic media technologies, Darwin’s Pharmacy: Sex, Plants, and the Evolution of the Noösphere.

Cannabis Economics – Hemp Car – Hemp Clothes – Hemp Building

27 05 2011

Jonathan Ott interview @ 2008 World Psychedelic Forum

25 03 2011

Faustin Bray, the founder of Sound Photosynthesis, interviews one of the world’s foremost experts on visionary substances, Jonathan Ott, wherein they discuss such things as the civilizational collapse, off-grid strategies, navigating time-streams as well some nuances of the modern psychedelic movement.  Interviewer Faustin Brey sorta trails off at the end but a Jon Ott interview is a rare treat so enjoy.  :)