Oh! The Places You’ll Go at Burning Man!

7 01 2012

Absolutely delightful video of Dr. Suess’ last poem as recited by Burning Man attendees.

O Ferrofluid Fortuna!

5 12 2011

Limitless lilting landscapes of light
irridescently emerging, elegantly inverting and mellifluently merging.

Mesophase geometries reveal resonant chromatic complements
interlaced in magnetic dream spirals.

Prismatic tides and horizons bursting with beauty
glimpsed behind the ethereal veils of time.

Terence McKenna – Time Acceleration

14 11 2011

TM quote

12 10 2011

We are like coral animals embedded in a technological reef of extruded psychic objects.

-Terence McKenna


Parking Lot at the Center of Time

29 09 2011

Amazing, trippy artistic portrayal of a story based on a premise by Terence McKenna.

Lowkey ft M1 (Dead Prez) & Black The Ripper – OBAMA NATION Pt. 2

27 09 2011

Excellent, excellent music video.  Please share it widely.

Heartbeat of a Black Hole

20 09 2011

This video is based on recent findings made by astronomers using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer of a pulsing “heartbeat” coming from the binary star-black hole system GRS-1915.

The link made to the famous Yeats poem “The Second Coming” does not reference the complex religious and historical imagery of this famous poem. Rather, it’s designed to evoke the violent rise of a cosmic monster, a black hole.

Here’s a brief analysis of the Yeats poem:http://www.yeatsvision.com/SecondNotes.html

All around the universe, energy roars out of cauldrons of matter… in the form of winds… jets… shock waves. While gravity… pulling matter in, smashes and pulverizes it.

In the crucible of this epic conflict… our universe builds majestic galaxies…. stars that can shine for trillions of years… and planets that may well produce life. There are times, though, when these forces lock, and… “the ceremony of innocence is drowned.”

In the plane of our galaxy, GRS 1915 is a star with a black hole bound together by gravity. This 14 solar mass black hole is steadily drawing mass from its companion.

Two space telescopes…. the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer… recorded pulses of x-ray light… one every 50 seconds. What’s causing this strange heartbeat?

Matter swirling into the black hole forms a disk that pushes in close to the black hole’s event horizon. Gas, racing around the monster this close is thought to approach 50% the speed of light.

Heat and magnetic energy build to a critical level. “The center cannot hold.” The disk erupts… blasting some inflowing matter back into space… at a rate some 25 times greater than what the black hole can swallow. This will go on until the star is stripped bare.

“The darkness drops again.”

“And what rough beast, its hour come round at last…”

Saul Williams – Coded Language

24 04 2011

Incredible spoken word from one of my favorite poets:

The Mystery of Change

11 03 2011

A short film with narration by Alan Watts and music by Sigur Rós.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

In an online thread about about death, consciousness and DMT, Robert Forte told this story:

18 years ago I was trying to get my five year old son to say some cute and profound thing so i  asked him what he thought happens when you die. 

“i don’t want to talk about it,” he said.
“oh come on,” i said,  “its going to happen to everyone. what do you think happens?”
“Dad,” he said firmly,  “i don’t want to talk about it.”
I said,  “its nothing to be afraid of.”
“Dad,” he said, nearly shouting.  “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“but why not?”  i asked.
“Because i want it to be a surprise.”



Explaining DMT through spoken word poetry

3 03 2011

Spoken word artist Marc Marcel expressedly and effectually discusses the DMT experience in this video supported by music and visuals:


Wake Up Starseeds

1 02 2011

I’m not one to post too many “new age” meditation/visualization videos, but I stumbled onto this and was deeply taken aback by it.  From the sounds of the music to the series of images to the words of the message, this lovely video is poetic and wonderful.   ♥

Keep thundering…

29 12 2010